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Thanks shahrukh. At the end of the day my aim is to promote Pakistani cinema. If we as Pakistanis don't do it then no one from outside is going to do it for us.
What I really want to do is create a proper and professional looking Lollywood website which is virtually updated daily.
The problem I have is time and money fortunately is not a issue. I also have alot of material.
Age: 125
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Hats of to Omar Ali Khan for making this movie. Its was Omar Ali Khan who a few years back by re-releasing Pakistan's First horror film Zindalaash on DVD internationally did his bit by putting Cinema on the world map.
visit the site
The film got awaesome reviews by numerous websites infact it made into the top men movies of the year on two sites. Zindlaash was along side film's like Lords of the Rings.
Age: 125
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Its nice to see that at last the talented Mahreen Jabbar has decided to make a full length feature film called Ramchand Pakistani.
I am personnelly not that happy with the subject of the film. Mahreen Jabbar has probably chosen this subject to please the Indians and international audiences. One would have liked a subject which more Pakistanies could relate to.
One would have liked a total Pakistani product but Nandita Dus will play the major role in the film. All the other actors are from TV and no film actor has been taken. In this regard Shoaib Mansoor did the right by choosing Shaan for his film. You need a major actor to create an awareness. The music is given by an Indian also.
Any how all the best and hopes that the film gets a proper release in Pakistan and worldwide. Only then Mahreen Jabbar effort will pay dividends.
Age: 125
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Its great news that you have liked the film Charizmatic. Below is something which I found on another site:
hey man i went to watch it today but unbelivably tickets were sold out couldnt belive a lollywood film being sold out, cinema man told me it was sold out yestoday is well, there were people selling the tickets in black for Rs.500.
at last after a long long time a one film has been blk buster
Main Ek Din Lot Kar Aon Gaa,has been realesd on 27th april,The film is taking Good Response espeasicly from Families,n cinema Malakan is Earning Profit from the film Thy r saying after a long time people r realy admiring the film,Dts ,Print,Direction,Locaton n songs r fabulus.its 4 days week collectins r like YDAPH n CHORUIAN, Right now its still doing a very very gr8 business n Lollywood film makers n ready 2 relse ther big budget movies after the sucess of the film. n the person whom watching the film r saying it will do a good business till a long way,i hope it will keep on tht sucess so paki pople sud wath the film
Age: 125
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Afridi Hasnat the fact is there is no concept of dancing in Pakistan where as in India they are hundreds of dancing schools where one can learn this art.
We have a few trained classical dancers and thats it. We don't even have a proper performing arts academy in Pakistan. Things like dancing are still considered taboo in Pakistan.
So where do the hell can our film makers get extra girls from except from the Heera Mandi. This is the reason why the boys dance group "Star Group" were seen in every Pakistani film, pop and stage show songs as they was no other choice.
Lately there has been improvement in this regard but until the government does not encourage performing arts then I am sorry to say we are going to suffer.
Age: 125
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I don't think the film has ever been released on DVD. Zee TV in the UK and Europe have shown the film a few times and the print quality is excellent.
I have the recording of the film on video. Give me sometime and I will convert the film onto DVD. Firstly I am in the process of buying a new Hard drive DVD Recorder.
Once I do that I will even post the DVD to Pakistan.
Age: 125
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To be honest I am not that impressed with the picturisation of the song "Dil Kay Taar". At least a better location could have been been chosen instead of a muddy grass ground.
If this is the best the producers of MEDLKA can do by going to India then I am sorry its total waste of money.
In this regard Rashid Khwaaja and Shehzad Rafiq the makers of Salakhain did a wonderful of the two songs that were shot in Nepal.
Age: 125
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Nigar weekly did have site long time ago but it never is updated. The best thing is to buy the paper and it always has a full review of every new Urdu film with full story and much more.
Its even available here in the UK. I used to regularly get it and I still have the old copies from a few years back.
For thr last few days I have have been watching the segment "Naya Maal" on Aag TV but I have still not seen the song from the film.
Has anyone else who has got Sky here in UK or Europe seen the song on Aag or any other channel.
Afridi Hasnat has the music been released in Pakistan of the film yet.
Age: 125
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The film was supposed to have been released in UK at the same time as Pakistan but according to the latest report the film will be released in May in Europe and India. Lets see what happens.
Age: 125
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Javed Sheikh is one of the biggest names in Pakistani showbiz. All he has done in the above interview is just praise the indians and make himself and the Pakistani film industry look so inferior.
Kab takh hum inferior complex ka shikar raye gai.
The same thing applies with having Indian singers and other indian technicians working in Pakistani films. Sab inferior complex ka chakkar hai.
Its just not the film or TV industry. Humari puri awam ka yeah hal hai. Show them anything indian and they go crazy if there is no tomorrow.
If it was just a matter of post production then I have no problems as these facilities are not available in Pakistan.
Age: 125
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This is great news. What is interesting with 4 to 5 big films with immediate release in the next few weeks. Where are all these films going to be shown. For months we have not had a major release and suddenly everyone wants to release their films.
Just hope all these films do well and all this talk about showing Indian films on the big screen dies down.
Age: 125
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Afrida Hasnat thanks alot. I will wait for the promo or I am hoping that the promo gets shown here in the UK on some channel in the mean while.
Standard agree that GEO and Ary are totally indian channels. Whatever promotion they do for the film won't be free so they are not doing anyone a favour.
Age: 125
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The film is scheduled to releasing on the 27th April 2007 but the music I think still has not being released. I have no idea if the film has an website or not. I have also not seen any clips of the songs on TV also.
Looks a very low key marketing effort by the makers of the film which is unbelievable.
If this carries on then they have no chance of releasing it in the UK. The film must be hyped up in the 2 weeks.
The biggest reason for the failure of Pakistani films in the UK is very poor promotion and the lack of awarenesss of the Pakistani product.
Age: 125
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Well Geo is showing a very old Urdu movie from the early 1980s called Naseeb.
Why the hell are they showing such an old film and if they wanted to show an old film then at least they should have shown a quality film. Geo is pathetic.
Age: 125
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You can download the following movies from the website
1.Salakhain 2.Ghunghat 3.Ghar Kab Ayo Gaye 4.Khoye Ho Tum Kahan 5.Yeh Dil aap Ka huwa 6.Dulhan Banti Hai Naseebo Walian 7.Atif choudary 8.Choorian 9.Jinnah 10.Larki Punjaban 11.Musalmaan 12.Koi Tujh Sa Kahan 13.Mujhe chand Chaiye 14.Sargham
Age: 125
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Another news is that the Defence Auditorium in Lahore is being converted into the latest hi-tech Cinema. All the seats and the DTS sound system is getting imported. The cinema will have a 500 seat capacity and will start functioning from March 2007.
Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Thanks for the review Charizmatic. It is a shame that the promotion of this film has been poor. Agree with you that why did Majid Razzaq play the main role. This is not going to help the film also. Unless the promotion does not improve in the next few days then I am sorry so say the film flop at the box office.